Interior Design Wall Black Glossy in Professional Shop

This interior has themes that needed for representation room that offers possibility to exposing a great quantity of merchandise. Netral room with black  and white color which became central focus from interior design. 

 Transparent glass shelves are pushing tha merchandiseto the main of store façade, sreating "wall" despite the black glossy Plexiglas panels reflectand sultiply the image or things and people.
  The main design theme required a representation space that offers the possibility for exposing a large quantity of merchandise. 

Neutral space from the chromatic point of view black or white to endow to the products the possibility of becoming the central focus point of the interior design. The transparent glass shelves are pushing the merchandise towards the main façade of the store, creating a “wall”, while the black glossy Plexiglas panels reflect and multiply the image of the objects and people.

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